


Charlotte County 委员会的空缺

欧博体育官网,佛罗里达州. (2024年6月12日 Construction Industry Licensing Board is seeking one volunteer to represent the consumer advocate category. 志愿者 must be a resident of Charlotte County for at least two years and have no financial interest, 直接或间接, 在建筑行业.

Length of term is until July 26, 2026. To obtain an application, please call 941-743-1298 or email Diane.Whidden@CharlotteCountyFL.政府.

的 旅游发展局 is seeking one volunteer who is involved in the tourism industry (i.e.: restaurant, attraction, etc.) or represents tourism accommodations as an owner or operator of a motel, 酒店, recreational vehicle park or other tourist accommodation located in the county and subject to tourist development tax.

志愿者s shall be an elector of Charlotte County or reside in a county adjacent to Charlotte County and own a business within Charlotte County, have demonstrated an interest in tourist development and have paid the local business tax in Charlotte County. 任期:四年. For an application, please 联系 Nina at 941-743-1300, press 2 or via email Janina.Stamoulis@CharlotteCountyFL.政府.

的 MPO Bicycle/Pedestrian Advisory Committee is seeking one South County representative. This individual must be a resident of Charlotte County to serve on the BPAC. 的 BPAC reviews and makes recommendations on transportation plans and projects that the MPO board will consider.

的 Charlotte County Transportation Disadvantaged Local Coordinating Board is seeking one volunteer representing the one experienced representative of the local private for-profit transportation industry. 的 purpose of the LCB is to identify local service needs and to provide information, 建议, and direction to the 社区 Transportation Coordination of service to be provided to the transportation disadvantaged.

的 deadline for submitting an application is Friday, Oct. 11, 2024.

请浏览网址: www.ccpgmpo.政府 or 联系 the MPO for an application. 的 MPO mailing address is Charlotte County-Punta Gorda MPO, 1050 Loveland Blvd., Box C, Port Charlotte, FL 33980; Email: office@ccpgmpo.政府. 的 MPO board will elect the above positions at its Monday, Oct. 21、2024年会议.

以下 MSBU/TU咨询委员会 are seeking volunteers who must be both a property owner within and reside within the unit. 提交 applications to 公共工程 Department, 7000 Florida St., Punta Gorda, FL 33950; call 941-575-3600 or e-mail MSBU-TU@CharlotteCountyFL.政府.

  • Alligator Creek Waterway Unit is seeking one member to fill a position with a term through Oct. 31, 2025.
  • 博卡格兰德街 & 排水装置 is seeking three members to fill positions with terms through Oct. 2025年10月31日. 2026年10月31日. 31, 2027.
  • Don Pedro/Knight Island Street & 排水装置 is seeking one member to fill a position with a term through Oct. 31,2027.
  • Edgewater North Waterway Unit is seeking one member to fill a position with a term through Oct. 31, 2025.
  • 恩格尔伍德东街 & 排水装置 is seeking one member to fill a position with a term through Oct. 31, 2027.
  • 湾湾街花园 & 排水装置 is seeking one member to fill a position with a term through Oct. 31, 2027.
  • Greater Port Charlotte Street & 排水装置 is seeking one member to fill a position with a term through Oct. 31, 2026.
  • 格罗夫城街 & 排水装置 is seeking two members to fill positions with terms through Oct. 和2025年10月31日. 31, 2027.
  • 湾湾街 & 排水装置 is seeking two members to fill positions with terms through Oct. 和2025年10月31日. 31, 2027.
  • 海傍街 & 排水装置 is seeking two members to fill positions with terms through Oct. 31, 2027.
  • Manchester Waterway Utility Unit is seeking one member to fill a position with a term through Oct. 31, 2027.
  • Northwest Port Charlotte Waterway Unit is seeking one member to fill a position with a term through Oct. 31, 2027.
  • 普莱西达地区街 & 排水装置 is seeking one member to fill a position with a term through Oct. 31, 2027.
  • 罗通达高地街 & 排水装置 is seeking one member to fill a position with a term through October 31, 2027.
  • 罗通达金沙街 & 排水装置 is seeking two members to fill positions with terms through Oct. 31, 2025.
  • South Charlotte Stormwater Unit is seeking one member to fill a position with a term ending Oct. 31, 2027.


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